【 English subtitles 】ASMR work Fuck a virgin girl through hypnotism with her boobs swung【英語字幕】【ゆうとぴゅあ】

※It is a video work with Japanese audio and English subtitles
This is a movie of binaural audio combined with animated 2D model and erotic ASMR.
Her boobs swing thanks to the animated 2D model, and she licks and pants her feeling into your ears. It’s a treat not only for your eyes but also ears.
Make her lick your ear, pant and yell for the pleasure...
Sexual binaural audio is more than satisfying!
Her boobs swing thanks to the animated 2D model!
Have your eyes and ears enjoy the scene
Hina Ichikawa
VO: Yu Yazuki
A student-body president of great decency
Big boobs and hips ? perfect to fuck
Actually too big boobs, by which she is even troubled
Play with herself two or three times a week
◆Fuck a decent student-body president with a hypnotizing app the way you like◆
Before hypnotism
‘You, Pervert teacher!’
After hypnotism
‘How can I have sex with clothes on? I put off them all♪’
This piece of work contains three parts:
(1) [Animated 2D] Introduction (In a school uniform / naked) (03:03)
(2) [ASMR] Licks your ears (Still image) (07:25)
(3) [Animated 2D] The moment (05:02)
< Contents >
Animated part: 08:05 in total
Non-animated part: 07:25 in total
Total time: 15:32
It’s a piece of work of binaural audio throughout the story. We recommend you put on earphones or headphones.
The movie data (the all-in-one data and three movie data for each scene.
Audio data (wav/MP3, with/without sound effects)
The script
Creator of the movie: ほむ [Homu]
Illustrator: ココノユ(えちかわ素材部)[Kokonoyu (Echi-kawa Materials)]
Sound editor: むぅさん [Mu-san]
Design: こなもん [Konamon]

【 English subtitles 】ASMR work Fuck a virgin girl through hypnotism with her boobs swung【英語字幕】【ゆうとぴゅあ】 無料情報!
【 English subtitles 】ASMR work Fuck a virgin girl through hypnotism with her boobs swung【英語字幕】【ゆうとぴゅあ】を無料で読むことが出来るのかを調べてみました!
【 English subtitles 】ASMR work Fuck a virgin girl through hypnotism with her boobs swung【英語字幕】【ゆうとぴゅあ】はhitomiで無料で読める?
【 English subtitles 】ASMR work Fuck a virgin girl through hypnotism with her boobs swung【英語字幕】【ゆうとぴゅあ】を、無料で読める電子書籍サイトはありませんでした。
hitomi.laやe-hentai、nHentai、NyaHentai、Nyaa、ReHentai、momongaを調べてみましたが、【 English subtitles 】ASMR work Fuck a virgin girl through hypnotism with her boobs swung【英語字幕】【ゆうとぴゅあ】を読むことはできませんでした。
- 作品形式
- 動画
- 配信開始日
- 2022/11/04 00:00
- 利用期限
- 無期限
- ファイル容量
- 2.14GB
- 動画本数
- 動画1本+α
- シリーズ
- ----
- 題材
- オリジナル
- キャンペーン
- FANZA冬の同人祭50%OFF
- ジャンル
- 動画・アニメーション
- 音声付き
- 制服
- 処女
- 学園もの
- おっぱい
- 男性向け
- 成人向け
- バイノーラル
- 耳舐め
- 黒髪